Hollow be thy Bun by cgugliotti on April 2, 2015 at 9:00 am Chapter: comics In which we learn the origins of one of Easters greatest traditions. └ Tags: autobiographical, bible, bible story, bunny, catholicism, chocolate bunny, chris gugliotti, comic, dachshund, dog, easter, easter bunny, fantasy, friendship, god, good friday, history, holy thursday, Jesus, jesus christ, life, magic, man-child, nibbles, playing dead, the bible, web comic, Web comics, webcomic, webcomics Comments Off on Hollow be thy Bun
Reformyrrtion by cgugliotti on March 26, 2013 at 7:40 am Chapter: comics In which we lay down some new doctrine. └ Tags: catholicism, chris gugliotti, comic, comic strip, dacshund, daschund, dog, friendship, life, man's best friend, man-child, nibbles, playing dead, pope, religion, st. peter's, the pope, vatican city, web comic, webcomic Comments Off on Reformyrrtion